GraceNotes Justified


GraceNotes é um estudo bíblico trimestral conciso sobre questões importantes relacionadas com salvação pela graça e viver pela graça. Eles são projetados para download (* pdf disponível) e copiar para que possam ser usados no ministério. Nenhuma permissão é necessária se eles forem distribuído sem edição sem custo. Você pode receber novos GraceNotes assinando nosso boletim informativo gratuito trimestral GraceLife.

Topic: Senhorio 

(If the Gracenote is displayed in english, the translation was not available.)

  • 11 - Algumas perguntas para o senhor salvacionista
    Os seguidores da salvação por meio do Senhorio de Cristo insistem que uma pessoa é eternamente salva, não apenas por crer em Jesus Cristo como Salvador, mas também por se comprometer completamente com Ele como Senhor de sua vida. Assim, a salvação também depende do arrependimento de todos os pecados e da subsequente evidência de mudança de conduta e boas obras. Aqueles que não perseveram em boas obras e fidelidade até o fim da vida provam que nunca foram realmente salvos para começar.

  • 41 - The Lordship of Jesus Christ
    Jesus is Lord. No one who believes the Bible denies that. But what does that mean and how does Christ's lordship apply to our salvation and our Christian life?

  • 52 - Lordship and False Followers - Matthew 7:21-23
    Does this passage teach, as some claim, that a person must be totally surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in order to be saved?

  • 59 - Real Christians Don't Sin? - 1 John 3:6
    If John establishes the fact that Christians sin in chapter 1, how can he say later that Christians do not sin? An incorrect interpretation of these verses has caused many Christians to doubt their salvation.

  • 64 - Regeneration and a Changed Life
    Some questions often posed about the new birth are: Does regeneration inevitably produce a changed life? Does a changed life therefore prove regeneration? Does a changed life give assurance of regeneration?

  • 66 - Why Is Lordship Salvation So Popular?
    A question often asked by those who hold the Free Grace position is Why is Lordship Salvation so popular?

  • 67 - What is Free Grace theology?
    Theological labels are a convenient way to summarize belief systems. Many labels have become an established part of theological dialogue, like Arminianism, Calvinism, amillennialism, or premillennialism. Many who hear the label 'Free Grace Theology' wonder what it means. Here is a brief summation.

  • 73 - Does Free Grace Theology Lead to False Assurance?
    Some people say the Free Grace view gives people false and damning assurance on the basis of their profession of faith. After all, they may not have believed with all their heart, turned from all their sins (in their of repentance), or done enough good works.

  • 90 - Answering Common Objections to Free Grace, Part 1     Podcast
    Since the gospel was first preached, people have objected to the Free Grace teaching that people are saved by the unconditional grace of God through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Often, objections come from misunderstanding the nature of God's grace and what Free Grace teaches. Sometimes objections are merely parroted from others without much thought. Here's how to answer six common objections to Free Grace teaching about salvation.

  • 91 - Answering Common Objections to Free Grace, Part 2     Podcast
    The fullness of God's grace seems hard to grasp for some. Especially when it is taught in relation to salvation, some raise objections. In \GraceNotes no. 90: Answering Objections to Free Grace


    *GraceNotes são projetados para download e cópia para que possam ser usados no ministério. Nenhuma permissão é necessária se eles forem distribuídos sem edição e sem custo. Se você não tem um visualizador de PDF, pode clicar aqui para baixar uma versão gratuita.