GraceNotes Justified


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Topic: Суждение

(If the Gracenote is displayed in english, the translation was not available.)

  • 29 - How Good Do You Have to Be to Get to Heaven?     Podcast
    Many people have the idea that if they do enough good, or don't do too much bad, then God will allow them to enter heaven. In other words, when it comes to obtaining eternal life, they think God grades on a curve.

  • 54 - The Fate of Fruitless Followers in John 15:6
    What do the branches represent in John 15:6 and what is their fate?

  • 56 - Does Grace Allow Christians to Judge Others?
    Grace is used as an excuse not to confront people. So is it gracious to judge another person?

  • 68 - Comparing the Two Coming Judgments
    Many Bible interpreters assume there is only one judgment at the end of the age, a judgment that separates believers from unbelievers. This causes major problems in harmonizing some Scriptures.

  • 69 - The Fate of Believers Seduced by False Teachers in 2 Peter 2:20-22
    If we read 2 Peter chapter 2, it is clear that the false prophets and teachers in view are doomed to eternal condemnation. But what about those deceived by them?

  • 85 - Grace Lessons from the Parable of the Prodigal Son
    This familiar story depicts God's love for sinners, and indeed that is the main point, but there is much to learn here about God's magnificent grace. In the context, Jesus answers the Pharisees who criticize His love for sinners (Luke 15:2-3) with three stories. The story of the lost son especially illustrates God's love for sinners as an overcoming, amazing, and misunderstood love.


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