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GraceNotes é um estudo bíblico trimestral conciso sobre questões importantes relacionadas com salvação pela graça e viver pela graça. Eles são projetados para download (* pdf disponível) e copiar para que possam ser usados no ministério. Nenhuma permissão é necessária se eles forem distribuído sem edição sem custo. Você pode receber novos GraceNotes assinando nosso boletim informativo gratuito trimestral GraceLife.

Topic: Segurança/Certeza 

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  • 6 - Perguntas de certeza da salvação em Romanos 8     Podcast
    A maturidade espiritual é impossível para os crentes que passaram a duvidar de sua salvação eterna. No entanto, a falta de segurança é um problema comum entre os cristãos e aqueles que se dizem cristãos.

  • 13 - Segurança e esperança em Colossenses 1:21
    O uso indevido dessa passagem muitas vezes minou a segurança do crente. Interpretações incorretas geralmente começam com a suposição de que a frase \para apresentá-los santos, inculpáveis e irrepreensíveis aos Seus olhos\" significa entrada no céu. "

  • 24 - Eternamente Seguro     Podcast
    Uma vez que uma pessoa é salva ela pode perder ou lhe ser tirada essa salvação? A Bíblia responde \Não\", uma vez que uma pessoa é salva, ela permanece salva por toda a eternidade. Isso geralmente é chamado de doutrina da segurança eterna e é frequentemente referida (às vezes de forma depreciativa) como \"uma vez salvo, sempre salvo\"."

  • 28 - As boas obras podem provar a salvação?
    Há todos os motivos para pensar que aqueles que creram em Jesus Cristo como Salvador e, consequentemente, nasceram na família de Deus, experimentarão uma vida transformada em algum grau. Alguns diriam que esta vida mudada é evidenciada por boas obras que provam que eles são salvos. Se isso for verdade, então o inverso é verdadeiro: se não houver boas obras, não haverá salvação. Nessa visão, as boas obras (às vezes chamadas de \frutos\" ou evidência de uma vida mudada) provam ou refutam a salvação eterna de uma pessoa"

  • 53 - Doubtful Self-examination in 2 Corinthians 13:5
    It is not uncommon to see this verse used to encourage professing Christians to examine themselves to see if they are genuinely saved.

  • 55 - The Christian and Apostasy
    As used here, apostasy refers to a departure from or denial of the Christian faith by someone who once held to it. There are several views about what happens to someone who leaves the faith.

  • 58 - Do Believers Need to Confess Their Sins for Forgiveness?
    Some say that confession is unnecessary since all the believer's sins are forgiven already. What is the scriptural perspective?

  • 67 - What is Free Grace theology?
    Theological labels are a convenient way to summarize belief systems. Many labels have become an established part of theological dialogue, like Arminianism, Calvinism, amillennialism, or premillennialism. Many who hear the label 'Free Grace Theology' wonder what it means. Here is a brief summation.

  • 73 - Does Free Grace Theology Lead to False Assurance?
    Some people say the Free Grace view gives people false and damning assurance on the basis of their profession of faith. After all, they may not have believed with all their heart, turned from all their sins (in their of repentance), or done enough good works.

  • 78 - Making Your Call and Election Sure - 2 Peter 1:10-11
    Does this passage exhort professing believers to prove that they are true believers, or does it exhort true believers to demonstrate the faith they have? At stake in the first instance is eternal salvation; at stake in the second are eternal rewards. Careful observations answer this question.

  • 79 - Does John's Gospel Demand Belief in Eternal Security for Salvation?
    There are some who claim the saving message of the gospel is 'Believe in Jesus as the guarantor of eternal life, which can never be lost.' In other words, a person must know, understand, and express agreement with the doctrine of eternal security ... but does a person have to affirm this in order to be saved, or is this an unwarranted addition to salvation by faith alone in Christ alone?

  • 90 - Answering Common Objections to Free Grace, Part 1     Podcast
    Since the gospel was first preached, people have objected to the Free Grace teaching that people are saved by the unconditional grace of God through faith alone in Jesus Christ. Often, objections come from misunderstanding the nature of God's grace and what Free Grace teaches. Sometimes objections are merely parroted from others without much thought. Here's how to answer six common objections to Free Grace teaching about salvation.

  • 91 - Answering Common Objections to Free Grace, Part 2     Podcast
    The fullness of God's grace seems hard to grasp for some. Especially when it is taught in relation to salvation, some raise objections. In \GraceNotes no. 90: Answering Objections to Free Grace

  • 99 - What Must I Do To Be Unsaved?
    Some believe that salvation can be lost. Considering all that transpires in one's salvation, if it were possible to forfeit that salvation, here's what someone should be told to do.

  • 102 - Understanding the Faith that Saves
    Does faith come from God to a person as a gift, does faith describe a meritorious work that comes from a person, or is faith a person's response to a truth or promise?

  • 103 - Roman Catholicism, Grace, and Salvation
    What does Roman Catholicism (RC) teach about how a person can be saved eternally? The RC view of salvation is derived from their beliefs about grace, justification, and the atonement, but are they biblical?


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