GraceLife Articles

Chronology of The Kingdom Through The Exile

Rich Keller M.Div., May 2019

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This easy to read chart makes a great reference and provides a chronological timeline of the Kingdom of Israel, from Abraham through Saul, David, and Solomon; then to the division between the Northern and Southern Kingdom through the exile. It provides dates, key events, people, and ties them together to the Old Testament prophets.

Knowing how all of these events tie together in history provides a deeper understanding of the circumstances surrounding the events described in the Bible.

Prophets include: Jonah, Hosea, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Haggai, Zechariah, Nehemiah, and Ezra. Kingdoms include: Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Judah, and Israel

An example graphic is shown below, download the pdf to zoom into the details.

Kingdom Chart
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